Spices bring us closer.
Customer proximity is an active focus at christl – every day. The relationship of the customer to the christl spice technologists is a very close one. At eye level, from expert to expert. New flavours are tested together and brought to market maturity. The passion for the new inspires and leads to innovations. The customers of christl make use of this competence in process engineering and production knowledge. That's why the christl spice specialists also strive to optimise the production sequences on site – with our customers.
Everything within bounds.
If you want to offer your customers exclusive recipes, you must first of all have a great deal of intuition. And as a result, the flexibility of a company like christl. At christl GewürzTechnologie these customer recipes are amongst the best protected secrets. Even with the most diverse packaging units we always place great importance on the needs of the optimum further processing by the customer. Because here too the goal is: individuality.